Innovation Rally
The Embassy Suites
Little Rock, AR
June 4-6, 2025

Rooted in Education: Growing Through Innovation

Join the Office of Innovation for Education and fellow educators as we celebrate a decade of growth,
transformation, and innovation. The 2025 Education Innovation Rally is an opportunity to explore how
deep roots in education can foster bold and creative solutions for tomorrow's challenges.
Through dynamic conversations, diverse perspectives, and breakthrough ideas, join us to cultivate
a shared vision for the future of learning. At this year’s Rally educators will strengthen their
educational foundation while branching out into new possibilities.
Expect to leave inspired, equipped with strategies, and connected to a community that shares your
commitment to nurturing growth in innovative education.
June 4th | 11:30pm - 2:00pm (School visit & pre-conference) |
June 5th | 8:00am - 8:00pm |
June 6th | 8:30am - 12:00pm |
About OIE's Annual Education Innovation Conference
Arkansas is becoming a leader in educational innovation thanks to pioneers across the state and the emphasis on student focused learning by our state department. Over the years, we've worked to engage educators' awareness of innovative practices and designs. Travel to any region of the state and you will see educators engaged in conversations and actions to innovate!
The Innovation Rally pulls from successful student focused learning system designs and puts educators and students at the center of the design process. In fact, we have no doubt you will leave with a new or expanded vision of learning. One based on the premise we deeply believe.... that inside the learner is the design! We have school systems across the state, and country, successfully implementing innovative and student focused learning systems. These systems are transforming what it means to be a student in a public school system. Come hear, learn, share, and network with these pioneers.
Lodging Information

11301 Financial Centre Parkway,
Little Rock, AR 722115
Tel: (501) 312-9000
Social Feed

Office of Innovation for Education
346 N. West Ave. WAAX 302Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-4499
Fax: (479) 575-4499
Email: oie@uark.edu