2024 Innovation Rally

Fueling Innovation by C o l o r i n g Outside the Lines.

Join The Office of Innovation for Education and other innovators as we “Collaborate to Innovate”.

Innovation thrives when diverse perspectives and ideas about education converge. At the 2024 Innovation Rally, individuals, teams, and organizations will step beyond conventional boundaries and approaches and embrace a collaborative approach to problem-solving. Leave with diverse ideas, tools for collaborative problem-solving, and lasting connections to help you color outside the lines.

We hope to connect with you on JUNE 3-5, 2024

Sign in to your account.

Getting started

Deadline to submit completed proposals is Feb 15th, 2024.

New Users

First - Presenters will create an account using their email address.

Next – Set up your profile; be sure to include your bio and your picture (you can edit this later if needed). Once completed, this information will be used to auto-populate the presenter information on your RFP (request for proposal) submission.

After you have set up your profile you can begin to submit your proposals. Users will have access to edit their profile and proposals, upload presentation materials to their sessions, view room and time assignments, and much more!!

Returning Users

First - If you have forgotten your password, please use the "forgot password" to reset your password.

Next – Edit your profile; be sure to include your bio and your picture (you can edit this later if needed). Once completed, this information will be used to auto-populate the presenter information on your RFP (request for proposal) submission.

After you have set up your profile you can begin to submit your proposals. Users will have access to edit their profile and proposals, upload presentation materials to their sessions, view room and time assignments, and much more!!

Office of Innovation for Education
346 N. West Ave. WAAX 302
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-4499 | Fax: (479) 575-4499
Email: oie@uark.edu

if you have any questions on your proposals or questions on how to use this site, please contact:

jaw016@uark.edu (479-575-4499)